It’s a devlog for the indie game I am making:

The plan is to make this into a weekly thing of progress updates. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun because I had to learn a ton. My previous experience with making videos was limited to “hitting record” and then “hitting stop”. So this is the first time I’ve really “produced” a video, and wow. In the past 2 weeks, I learned: how to setup OBS so it records my screen properly with Intel hardware acceleration on Wayland, the different kind of microphones available on the market and what’s best for voice-overs (dynamics), how to do voice-overs (I had to do a shocking amount of takes), how to edit audio in Audacity, particularly how loudness levels work, and finally, how to edit video in Blender (cutting, adding text, transitions, zooming, fast forwarding, mixing audio, etc.)

I also had to figure out basic Gimp usage so I can get the thumbnail for the video and banner for my channel set up.

I am pretty excited to continue getting better at this in the future. Although the next devlogs should be a lot simpler, “showing what I made”, kind of devlogs. There won’t be a need to collect b-roll or old gameplay footage because I won’t be talking about my background or inspiration.